Only so I can see my name in print, I’ll share that Ray Christensen recently ran his 25th marathon. I was hoping for my fastest “full” in 3 years, but instead it was the slowest. Didn’t hydrate enough beforehand. Then, I made the typical mistake of going out too fast. I’ll partly blame that on the fact that the first mile was a lap of the “Monster Mile” Dover, DE NASCAR track. Very cool! Some pics at our website. In my most maritime-related activity in years, I recently created a website for a KP alum: is for the Traffic Club of NY.
Next time you get together with one or more classmates, make it a point to send me a couple lines of printable summary. Also make it a point to drop by my place if you’re passing thru Delaware on I-95, so you realize that there’s more here than just a toll! Visit my Beer Room. Now for more important news…
Mickey Cunningham comments on his photo:
I can do deckie stuff with my feet! I was heading out of Baltimore and the John Brown was coming back in.
Scott O’Connor sent photo of himself with Brian Foy: Brian gets his sea legs back, with Scott onboard M/V Hyundai Forward prior to getting underway for sea, 9/2/14
Rod Knecht writes:
I don’t want to make my classmates too depressed when they see the good life I have :)…
My daughters are turning 16 and 17 next week, and unfortunately they aren’t likely to be following in my Dad and my foot steps… My girls will be working as ski instructors this winter at Camelback, PA. I do see a KP class mate of ours, Steve Dear (’85), at Camelback, when I ski. Steve’s daughter skied with my daughters on the Camelback Ski team… If anyone comes up to Pa to ski, please look for me. Just ask the ski school for Amy or Kelly…
Brian Foy writes: Members of the USMMA Mid-Hudson Chapter attended the KP @ NYU Soccer game at Manhattan College (Gaelic Park/Bronx) and treated the team to pizza. Guess who I run into? Mark Suter and his wife Jeanann! Small world! Mark’s son is a senior on the NYU soccer team. We had a great time catching up.
Mark works for Citi in the city.
Rick Boudiette is “Still enjoying exile in London, trying to keep the IMO in line, at least from a gas carrier perspective. Just passed 2 years on loan to SIGTTO; 1 more, plus/minus, to go. I recently had the opportunity to volunteer and harvest some of the 888,246 memorial poppies ‘planted’ in the Tower moat in commemoration of the WWI Commonwealth dead. A very powerful piece of art. On a lighter note, the local ironmonger (hardware store) has his window all done up for Christmas… Industrial size Brasso – the perfect stocking stuffer.” (photos below)
—– Ray Christensen
Mickey Cunningham at the helm
Brian Foy & Scott O’Connor
Ray Christensen ran his 25th marathon – Dover, DE
Rick Boudiette in London – – – Brasso!
Mark Suter & Brian Foy at NYU for KP soccer game
KP Women’s Basketball 11/22/14 w/Brian Foy