Chris Thayer did an outstanding job in coordinating our reunion, with the able assistance of Michael Donnelly. Scott O’Connor headed our impressive class gift fundraising campaign.

Homecoming attendees
Thomas & Sue Bodman
Michael & Julie Booth
Kevin Brofford
Matt & Sara Bucherati
John & Donna Carbone
Jackson Chandler – (cancel due to IKE)
Ray Christensen
Chris & Wendy Cioni
Rich Collonna
Sean & Teresa Connaughton
Catherine (Giguere) Coseno
Jeanette Craddock -Melin
Mickey Cunningham
Chris & Lynn D’Angelo
Steve Dear ’83/’85
Mike & Jane Donnelly
Andy Dywan
Craig Ellixson
Ed & Mary Fairbairn
Lisa (Barcus) & Gary Fields
Lee Forsgren
Brian & Karen Foy
Quentin Franklin
Steve & Ceri Galati
Erin Gantt
Bruce & Debbie Garrott
Jim Goulden
Young & David Heinbockel
Ted & Marie Hercamp
Bill & Leslie Higgins
Andrew Hoeflin
Mike & Jeannie Keane
John Kimmerlein
Jonathan & Maria Kjaerulff
Bumper Kunkle
Kurt Larsen
Judy (Vanderlaan) Larocca
Frank Liantonio
Del Lewis
Tom Lightsey – (cancel due to IKE)
Mark & Darcy Lund
Skip McAloon
Maureen McKeever
Jeannette (Craddock) Melin
Phil Mueller
A.J. and Gretchen Murphy
Jacquie (Hodgson) & Eric Nielsen
Scott & Glenda O’Connor
Susan Pawlukiewicz
Jim & Anne Marie Proce
Jim Quern
John Rhatigan
Bob & Sharon Ross
Bill & Lee Ann Rupy
Mike Safina
Michael Shircliff
Bill & Sydnie Sliker
Mark & Andi Smith
Mark & Jeannan Suter
Lisa Taylor
Chris Thayer
Eric Wallischeck
Joe & Ann Walsh

Class of 1983 Homecoming Shirt:
Polo/golf shirt color is Foxy Grey with the 3.5″ Ring Crest in left front breast area in Blue highlights and Gold background.
Class of ’83 left all but one class in our wake in our fundraising effort! Scott presented check at Beat Retreat.
Eric generously hosted a super afternoon party in his conveniently located back yard.
A light rain didn’t dampen any spirits and the football team won.
Lynn traveled from Alaska, but Kurt came all the way from China!
Erin’s singing of the National Anthem before dinner was inspirational.
A round-up of members of a “team movement” to the U.N. first class year was odd.
A brief blackout during the evening party was barely noticed.
Final Homecoming Agenda
26 September 5:00 pm – No-host social at Dave & Busters, Westbury
27 September 8:00 am – On-campus registration starts
27 September 11:00 am – Tailgating starts at Quarters F
27 September 1:00pm – Muster for march-on
27 September 5:30pm – 10:30 pm – Cocktails/Dinner at Yokum Sailing Center

Band plays at Beat Retreat
Quarters F – aka Eric’s house
Midshipmen in fancy sports gear
Since our dinner event is on-campus, based on the advice of the alumni foundation, we decided to start a bit earlier than in the past and make it a casual dress affair for those who want to just migrate from one event to the next on-campus without the need to return to the hotel to change, etc.
Cocktails/dinner will start at 1730 at Yokum Sailing Center.
We are encouraging “smart casual”, meaning something like dockers, nice shirt (ideally, the class shirt they bought), no ties. If people show up in jeans, that is fine. We really want everybody to be relaxed and enjoy the time, not worried about fashion.
We will plan to start about 1700 on Friday at Dave & Busters. We will have appropriate signage up in the hotel lobby.

Band plays at Beat Retreat
Many of us were on the Academy grounds for 10 to 14 hours on Saturday.

Judy’s photos:
Lisa’s photos:
Registation information [updated 6/26/08]
To: USMMA Class of 1983 [March 2008]
From: Class of 1983 Reunion Committee
Re: Twenty Fifth Year Reunion; September 26-28, 2008
Dear Classmates:
Greetings from your reunion committee. We are looking forward to a great turnout for our 25th year anniversary reunion. We have not finalized all the plans for the weekend, but we do have some specifics and planning factors for you to consider as you make your plans.
Our reunion hotel is the Hilton Garden Inn, located at 1575 Privado Road in Westbury, approximately 15 miles from Kings Point. We have blocked rooms for the evenings of 26 and 27 September at the rate of $159 for a double or king and $179 for a suite. Make your reservation now by visiting their web site, or calling the hotel direct. Here is the Hilton web site: to make your reservation online. To make your reservation by phone, call: 516-683-8200. When you make your reservation, provide the
following information:
Group Name: Merchant Marine Academy Class of 1983
Group Code: MERC
We are planning for an informal gathering at Dave & Busters, located in close proximity to the hotel for Friday night. Additional information will be provided once we have made arrangements.
Our first organized event will be the tailgate on Saturday, starting at 1100. Our esteemed classmate CAPT Eric York Wallischeck, USMMA Assistant Superintendent, Division of Plans, Assessment and Public Affairs has graciously offered his estate at Quarters F as our tailgate location. This is prime real estate for our tailgate. We will have traditional tailgate fixings, including appropriate cold beverages suitable for adults and children, snacks, and light lunch fare.
We will then proceed to muster at about 1300 for the march-on in advance of the football game.
After the game we will have our reunion dinner at the Yocum Sailing Center. This is a superb location on the campus, situated on the waterfront. This event will start at 1800. We will have a buffet dinner, cocktails, and an opportunity to recognize the significant achievements of our classmates since graduation. We are still finalizing the details for all of our reunion events, to include the cost.
Some of the fixed costs include $9/per person for a ticket for the football game. This is a mandatory cost for everybody, including spouse/guest attending with you. We also plan to procure a reunion hat or shirt as a memorabilia for our 25th reunion.
We are currently negotiating with caterers to finalize dinner plans at the Yokum Sailing Center, to include a DJ, bartenders, etc. The Foundation will not be covering incidental expenses as they have in the past, such as tentage required for the outdoor deck, tables, chairs, set-up and clean-up, etc., so we will be required to include such expenses in our cost.
To help offset expenses and keep the cost/person affordable, we are seeking Corporate Sponsors at the $500 level each. Sponsorships will be targeted towards the tailgate, reunion memorabilia (i.e., hats/shirts), DJ, midshipman support, and program printing.
We hope that those of you who are still working in the maritime industry, and those in other industry sectors, will be able to persuade your respective company to participate as a Corporate Sponsor. All contributions would be made payable to the USMMA Alumni Foundation and will be tax deductible. Appropriate recognition will be made in our reunion program and in the Kings Pointer magazine. Corporate sponsorship will be greatly appreciated and can significantly help to make all reunion events affordable for all of our classmates. Please contact me or Mike Donnelly to let us know if your company is able to support us as a Corporate Sponsor.
Finally, please nominate classmates for awards for which they may be eligible. Visit the Alumni Foundation website: for more information on alumni awards.
Please visit our class web site at:, hosted and maintained by Ray Christensen, where we will continue to post additional information related to our reunion. You will receive notification once we have finalized plans. You will register, and pay, for all events at the Alumni Foundation web site:
Should you have any questions concerning anything about the reunion weekend, please feel free to call or e-mail me or Mike Donnelly. We look forward to seeing you at the 25th reunion in September.
Please send a note to either me or Mike indicating whether you plan to attend the reunion and how many will be in your party.
Chris Thayer: 202-685-5549 (work); 202-236-6553 (cell);
Mike Donnelly: 203-229-5066 (work; 203-253-7686 (cell);
Chris Thayer & Michael Donnelly
Hotel: Hilton Garden Inn Westbury
8/18 update: I have been advised by the Hilton in Westbury that our block of rooms is full, but they still have rooms available. If you attempt to book on-line using the previously provided information, and you are not successful, please call the hotel directly and ask for Nadine. She is the sales manager and will assist you with a room. Her contact information is:
Nadine Cardaio, Sales Manager, Hilton Garden Inn Westbury
(PH) 516-683-8200 x603 – (FAX) 516-683-8887
Original: Rooms are blocked at the Hilton Garden Inn. Below is the link to web site to book. When you get to the reservation screen, enter “MERC” into the group code box.
Group Name: Merchant Marine Academy Class of 1983
Group Code: MERC
Check-in: 26-SEP-2008
Check-out: 28-SEP-2008
Reservations: Hilton Garden Inn Westbury Phone Number: 1-516-683 8200
Hotel Address: 1575 Privado Road Westbury, New York 11590
Rate is $159 for King/Queen. $179 for a Junior Suite.
Travel Reservations
Ray Christensen is a Referring Travel Agent. You can support this website and get the same (or better) rates on airfare, hotels, cruises and vacation packages as you would find at Expedia, Orbitz or Travelocity. Please click here to compare rates or book Homecoming, business or leisure travel.
Call me anytime: (302) 633-1482.
Fly into Long Island
Craig Matteson attended Homecoming 2007 and has a suggestion:
“…we flew into MacArthur airport on the Island…round trip from Chicago was $109.00 and KP was only a 40 minute drive away…flew Southwest Airlines…real nice small airport that sure beats LaGuardia and Kennedy…”
Official Homecoming Weekend Schedule
For your planning, here is the current schedule for homecoming activities, which are in addition to our specific class reunion activities.
THURSDAY – September 25
1730: Alumni Awards Dinner (Delano Hall – Mess Hall) Reception at 1730, Dinner at 1830, Price TBD. Reservations required and must be made directly with the Alumni Foundation.
FRIDAY – September 26
0800: Class Registration Commences (Barney Square Tent)
0800-1200: Tours of Academy from Barney Square. Woo Hoo!
0930: T/V Kings Pointer cruise. Must be on the dock by 0930.
Note: No tickets will be mailed for this event. Your name will be on a list at the dock. This is being coordinated by the Alumni Foundation and you must coordinate directly with the Foundation if you desire to take this cruise. You don’t accrue sea time on your license if you go.
1400: Superintendent’s Briefing on “State of the Academy” (Ackerman Auditorium).
I’m sure Eric Wallischeck will fill us in if you want to skip this.
1530: Formal Parade (Tomb Field – weather permitting). Bring your own rifle if you want to join in.
1700: BBQ Dinner In Tent/Barney Square (Continues until 1900), Price TBD
Note: No tickets will be mailed for this event. Your name will be on a list at the door (of the tent). This is being coordinated by the Alumni Foundation and you must coordinate directly with the Foundation if you desire to participate in this event.
1800: Athletic Acta Non Verba Dinner (Melville Hall), Price TBD.
No tickets will be mailed for this event.
Your name will be on a list at the door. This is being coordinated by the Alumni Foundation and you must coordinate directly with the Foundation if you desire to participate in this event.
1930: Candlelight Ceremony (at World War II Memorial or Mariners Chapel) Alumni are invited to participate. Cash Bar (Yocum Sailing Center) immediately following Candlelight Ceremony until midnight. Open to all alumni.
SATURDAY – September 27
0745: Colors On Powell Oval
0800: Class Registration commences in Barney Square Tent
0810: Homecoming 5K Run (Steppingstone Lane – completed by 0930), Price TBD.
*Note: No tickets will be mailed for this event. Your name will be on a list. This is being coordinated by the Alumni Foundation and you must coordinate directly with the Foundation if you desire to participate in this grueling event.
0930: “Beat Retreat” by the Regimental Band (O’Hara Hall) Memorial Arbors Ceremony (Immediately following “Beat Retreat” at the North Arbors) – (Names of those whose plaques were added during the previous year are read by the Alumni Foundation Chairman).
1100: Tailgating Begins (McNulty Campus). Note – Class of 1983 Tailgate will be at Quarters F – The humble abode of our esteemed classmate Eric Wallischeck.
1200: Varsity Soccer Game (Lower Roosevelt Field). What – leave the tailgate for a soccer game???
1300: Reunion Classes Muster for “March-On” (Steamboat Road)
1330: Pre-Game “March-On” by Reunion Classes (Tomb Field). Rifles optional.
1400: Football Game – Kings Point vs. St. Lawrence (Tomb Field), $9/person
*Note: Football tickets will not be mailed. They must be picked up at the Registration Tent on Barney Square prior to the game. Ticket price included in your registration package.
1400: Alumni-Varsity Soccer Game (Lower Roosevelt Field)
1515: Half-time Presentation Drill Team (Tomb Field). This may be a good time to revisit the tailgate.
1700: Catholic Mass (Mariners Chapel) Counts for Sunday.
1700-2400: Babysitting available (O’Hara Hall). This is being coordinated by the Alumni Foundation and you
must coordinate directly with the Foundation if you desire to use these services.
SUNDAY – September 28
0900: Catholic Mass (Mariners Chapel).
1000-1230: Farewell Brunch (Delano Hall), Price TBD.
*Note: No tickets will be mailed for this event. Your name will be on a list at the door. This is being coordinated by the Alumni Foundation and you must coordinate directly with the Foundation if you desire to take this cruise.
1000-1400: Ships Store Open
1115: Protestant Worship (Mariners Chapel)