Brian Foy began his Homecoming recap with:
Between the Reception on Friday night, our Saturday Tailgate and our Class Dinner on Saturday night, we had over 60 classmates attend with spouses, family and friends. The weather was sensational and the Lerner House was a perfect place to gather, renew friendships and say hello to classmates some of us had not seen in 30 years!
Difficult to select just a couple photos here, but see for many more. Some highlights of our enjoyable weekend…
Randy Johnson sponsored wings & burgers for our Friday reception, where “Santa Claus”
Steve Grose had to introduce himself to everyone. Congrats to our deserving Alumni Award winners Michael Donnelly, Jon Kjaerulff, George Toma, Brian Foy, Scott O’Connor & Special Award winner Craig Laurent.
Dave Heinbockel was team photographer as Young Heinbockel, Phil Mueller and Ray Christensen were 3rd place Alumni team at the Saturday morning 5K (do not ask us how many classes participated). The awesome class tailgating got off to a great start with Bloody Mary’s for all. Even with plenty of the beer that followed, we marched on the field in orderly fashion and took nice group photos on the grass and later at dinner. It was generally agreed that Scot Brueggeman has grown taller. Lisa Fields kept things in order with nametags and lots of coordination help.
Bill Rupy flew in from Italy, while Scott McCauley & family flew in from Australia. Listen to a clip of Erin Gantt singing the anthem at our site. Thank to George Toma for not just being a sponsor, but for supplying lots of great photos. Jim Quern took the podium for a memorable soliloquoy at Saturday dinner. Frank Liantonio compared Jim’s “Thor hair” with the hair of NFL coach Rob Ryan (see photo at site).
Bruce Garrott writes:
Finances are tight this fall, as I lost my USNR drill pay when they asked me to retire at 30 years. Because of my kids travel schedule this past summer, we had the retirement ceremony and reception on 7 September at NOSC Tampa, which was funded by yours truly. We had a very nice turnout and a pig roast reception afterwards on an exclusive beach MacDill Air Force Base. A couple of images are attached.
Jimmy Goulden and Stan Cutler attended.
—– Ray Christensen
Craig Laurent receives award
Brian Foy & Steve Grose
Rich Colonna, Skip McAloon, Kevin Fauvell, John Rhatigan
Jim Goulden & Jim Quern
Bruce Garrott retirement ceremony – Sept 2013
Bruce Garrott retirement ceremony – Sept 2013
Bruce Garrott retirement ceremony – Sept 2013
Bruce Garrott retirement ceremony – Sept 2013