AJ Murphy shares:
Here was a quick picture of classmate George Toma and myself at the ADM Buono luncheon for the Port of Houston Chapter end June.
Mark Hoyle’s note in previous column included incorrect Navy retirement year. It was actually 2012 when he retired after 28 years! Here is his photo to go with it.
Rex Gundle writes:
Just a quick note, I have landed back in North Carolina from Republic of Georgia to try my hand in the forwarding world, which allows me to be in the same time zone as 75% of my family (which is a record high over the last couple of decades). I hope to be here, hanging out at the lake on weekends and working down in Charlotte during the week. As far as classmate sightings, I ran into Al Gebhardt in the office lobby this week, but no other sightings since the reunion. Keep on smiling!
Jon Kjaerulff shares:
I recently caught up with George Toma, Mike Curtiss and Chris Hart while visiting Houston. They all look great and didn’t turn out old and fat like me! Here’s a picture of the four of us.
John Carbone contributes:
Another month another KP ‘83 offspring wedding- here are the usual suspects celebrating at Michael Keane’s son Mickey’s wedding.
Mark Suter reports:
Jeanann and I were at the Academy Aug 27 to see NYU v KP soccer scrimmage. We had time to take a walk through the water front before the game. These two teams have been playing each other for a number of years and every game is so close. Last night was no exception as KP scored in the last 2 minutes to tie the scrimmage 2-2.
Our youngest, Nicholas is a freshman at NYU and like his two older brothers loved playing at KP. Now all four male New York Suters have played on the USMMA field. Nicholas played in the last period and gave NYU its first goal, and his first college goal. We were thrilled! Another fund connection is that Nicholas’ club coach’s daughter is dating a senior at KP, Nick Roros, who we met in the spring at a soccer club game, and we sat in the stands last night with his parents and brother, Greg who’s a plebe.
Also, we got to speak with Superintendent RADM Jack Buono about the academy and all the wonderful improvements to the infrastructure.
Mickey Cunningham was on the road in Ohio and snapped a photo of shares a football team memory: “40 years ago we opened with the University of Dayton st Welcome Stadium. I just drove by as I’m here for business. I don’t remember them ‘welcoming’ us!”
Gary ’82 and Lisa Fields and I have been busy with their grandsons this summer. Here is a picture of the three of them. Finnlee, 8, Elliott, 1 week, and Bennett, 5.
From Ray: Notify me when you get together with classmates or if you’ve got news or email address of Jeff Fout, David Garnett, Steve Myers or Chris Shirley, or any of the names listed on home page of KP83.org. Take care.